This Week's News Flash 12-11-14
-Congratulations to this week's winner of the Polio Plus Monday Night Football Raffle: A high scoring game made for a lot of possible winners - it changed 22 times during the course of the contest. The winner was Sherrie's best friend from high school, Nancy, who lives just outside New Orleans! Thanks to Nancy for supporting our Polio Plus fundraiser. We should probably have a committee deliver her winnings in person....say right around Mardi Gras?? ROAD TRIP!!!J
- Remember to let President Corina know if you are not coming and if you are bringing guests to the meeting this week.
-The annual election of officers for the club will be held at the December 18th meeting. For those new to Rotary....the Rotary year runs from July 1st to June 30th and the people we are electing this month will be leading our club through the next Rotary year beginning July 1st.
-There are still slots available at the gift wrapping station in the mall if you would like to join the fundraising effort for Sarah's House. The story is on the club website homepage so you can check there to see what times are available if you would like to volunteer.
That's all folks......tune in next week for more scintillating news from President Corina!!!