-Congratulations to this week's winner of the Polio Plus Monday Night Football Raffle:  Well since we were dark last week we actually have two weeks worth of winners!!   The game on 11-24 was super exciting and it was the battle of the B's for the Polio Plus win.  In the last 40 seconds of the game the winner changed from Bugsy to Betts and finally to the winner Becca!  The 12-01 game was a low scoring one but even so there were at least seven Rotarians in the running at some point in the game.  It came down to a late game score once again and Frank took the prize! Congrats to Frank and Becca!
-The Christmas party is on December 11th...if you missed the story with the details it is still on the website.  The cost is $12 per person and $6 for kids under the age of 12.  Don't forget, if you bring kids, please bring a gift for them to receive from Santa and do put their name on the gift also so there is no confusion.
-And while we are on the subject.....Remember to let President Corina know if you are coming or not coming and if you are bringing guests to the meeting this week.  Every member with email got an e-vite for the Christmas party we are holding at this Thursday's meeting.  PLEASE take the 10 seconds it requires to click on the attend or decline button and please do it before Wednesday noon!  This is the head count for the meeting and everyone must respond with an attend or decline and add any guests you will be bringing.  This is usually a large group for our meeting and arrangements need to be made for the increased number.  Really - it takes like ten seconds and saves the president from an ulcer!!      
-The December Board meeting will be a brief meeting held after one of our regular meetings.
-The annual election of officers for the club will be held at the December 18th meeting.  For those new to Rotary....the Rotary year runs from July 1st to June 30th and the people we are electing this month will be leading our club through the next Rotary year beginning July 1st.
-Make sure you check out last week's story about the gift wrapping station fundraiser for Sarah's House.  It is included again this week for those who may have missed it because much help is still needed and it is all for a great cause near and dear to your hearts!  Many of you signed up at last week's meeting and that was awesome.  There are still a number of days and time slots available for those who didn't get to sign up yet and want to, so please check it out and see if you can volunteer for one of the open times.
That's all folks......tune in next week for more scintillating news from President Corina!!!