This Week's News Flash 05-21-15

- Once again our auction was a great success. The board decided to donate portions of the funds raised to Maine Youth Fish and Game Association, Animal Orphanage, and Friends of the Millinocket Library. A small portion of funds will be retained for unforeseen needs that may arise in the community.
- Last week's program was about Window Inserts for fuel energy savings in the cold Maine winters. Sharon Klein from UMaine will be teaching a new class this fall where students will actually be building the inserts for several local families and performing follow up research to determine the effects of the inserts on the fuel usage. They will be looking for families in need of the inserts; people able to pay for the inserts will be considered and there is also grant money available in the program to accomodate those in need who can not afford them. If you know of someone who might benefit from the inserts, please see President Corina for contact information for Sharon.
- The club is looking into organizations raising money for the crisis in Nepal. All details will be provided when information is available.
- If you have not returned your membership questionnaire to Doug yet, please do so as soon as possible. Your input will help shape the future of the club.
- As part of the 175th anniversary celebration, the book for Riverfest this year will include a history of Old Town Rotary! President Corina has much of the older history on file but we need to cover some of the more recent activities. If you have any information that might be useful, please contact Corina ASAP. The time to submit the information is very short so we must act quickly.
-The meeting on June 18th will be a ROAD TRIP! We will be hosted by Maine Youth Fish and Game and get a tour of their facilities. How fun is that!!!
-The Installation meeting will be held on June 25th....details will be provided soon.
- As you all know, we are required to provide a head count to the Black Bear Inn each week for our meeting. There is now an important change to the procedure that we have been using. Effective with the June 4th meeting the procedure will be as follows. You will receive the usual email request each week to let the president know if you are not coming to the meeting and she must know by noon Wednesday. If you do not tell her you are not coming and you don't show up, you will be billed $15 for the meeting! The club has to pay for the number of meals we give the head count for. If you have not told Corina you aren't going to be at a meeting, you will be included in the head count. If you then do not show up, the club has to pay for that. Up until now we have simply asked that you voluntarily pay for the meal when this happens and thank you to those who did so. But there is a significant number of people who do not pay for this, which the club has to absorb. Thus the voluntary payment will now be mandatory. Also remember to let the president know if you are bringing guests so they can be included in the head count. There is a small amount of wiggle room for last minute guests and visiting Rotarians. Please be responsible and RSVP to the weekly email.
That's all folks......tune in to the next bulletin for more scintillating news from President Corina!!!