Scrub a Dub Dub and a Whole Lot More
Sarah's House revisited: another fun and rewarding meeting...
Once again this week we met at Sarah's House to work and begin cleaning up the place for the imminent opening. Many of the floors are in place and finished, most of the trim is in, and the place looks awesome!!! Bugsy and Linda made dinner for the hungry volunteers and everyone feasted on the great grub. Then back to work painting, washing, plumbing, sweeping, and cutting. It's come a long long way and it's almost there...but there is still a lot to do!! Feel free to stop in any day after 8:00 a.m. and volunteer a little time and elbow grease to the cause. Stan has put a herculean effort into this amazing place and he will welcome all willing workers with open arms.....guaranteed. See the photo album to the left for a few shots of the fun and fellowship at Sarah's house.