Runnin' with the Big Dogs!
Our President Corina recently traveled to Canada for the visit of RI President Gary and his lovely wife and RI First Lady Corinna.
While on the trip President Corina was called by her young son Jack who, upon learning she was traveling to Canada to meet the RI President and his wife, responded oh so nonchalantly with "Oh you mean Gary and Corinna?" Hmmm......someone has been reading Mom's Rotarian magazine!!! Seems we have a budding Rotarian in the making. Never one to shy from an opportunity, our Prez walked right up to meet them. Upon hearing the story of Jack and his knowledge of Rotary that surpasses that of many a member, First Lady Corinna was tickled and presented our President with a lovely Rotary scarf!
President Corina left Monday morning and rode up with PDG Steve Johnson and his wife Debbie. Monday night they attended a reception where these pictures were taken. Tuesday morning was a president’s breakfast at the Chateau Frontenac, followed by lunch at Gran Village, a respite and camp for the handicapped. The evening activity was a leadership team dinner at the Indian reservation Wendake, a self-governing territory in the midst of Québec City.
At last week’s meeting our fearless leader shared with us the RI President’s hopes for this year which includes a major stress on membership development. This has been a constant theme for Rotary for quite a number of years since membership is decreasing worldwide. And what is a club without members? Remember, Robin and Corina are presidents again because of their own membership woes. Lets continue the work we have been doing and see how many members we can share Rotary with this year! It's time to light up Rotary!