Old Town Rotarians went on a ROAD TRIP to Old Town Elementary School September 21 to get a first-hand look at the OTES gardens and to hear about the RSU 34 food pantry and resource center project, which includes the school gardens at OTES, Leonard Middle School, and the elementary schools in Alton and Bradley.
RSU 34 has entered into a partnership with the Old Town United Methodist Church which will help the school district get $7 worth of food from the Good Shepherd Food Bank for every dollar raised by the school food pantry. The Old Town Rotary Club could have a similar arrangement with RSU 34 to provide financial and volunteer support for the school district's effort to help students and families who are in need.
Details are being worked out, and the club's Board of Directors will be looking at various ways of supporting the RSU 34 food pantry and resource center. Possibilities include:
• Recurring contributions to the Good Shepherd Food Bank in support of the RSU 34 food pantry (and possibly Crossroads Ministries, as well).
• Recruiting one or two volunteers per week to support RSU 34/Old Town Elementary School garden and food pantry projects
• Construction of a greenhouse to support the OTES garden project
• Assistance with construction of a garden fence if needed
• Other projects that may come up in the future.
Any comments or suggestions should be directed to President Doug Marchio or Immediate Past President Dave Wollstadt.