In this month's The Rotarian magazine PRIP and current TRF Chair Ray Klinginsmith indicates that, although we can not of course know when the very last case of wild polio virus will occur, if we maintain our current momentum it could actually be within this Rotary year.  How awesome is that!!!!!!  It is exciting for newer members to be a part of this as it happens; it is super exciting for those long time members who have fought for decades to make it happen.  We can't stop now.......we are truly on the verge of making history and it is all up to us. 
With that in mind we have launched our Polio Plus Monday Night Football Raffle 2015.  Once again we are having a little football fun this year to raise dollars for Polio Plus.  You don't have to understand or like football to play.  Just buy one or more squares on the football board for $10 a square.  That locks in your square/squares for the whole season: each square has 17 chances to win Monday Night Football and you can win more than once.  The board will be available for signing squares at each meeting until the first Monday night game of the season on September 14th or until the board is full.  Contact Jane, Dave, or Sherrie with questions or to buy a square.  Raising money for a great cause has never been more fun and it is even more fun knowing the end is within our reach if we just keep reaching!!!!