The Old Town Rotary Club celebrates 89th birthday
We had a good turnout for our 89th Birthday Celebration
The Old Town Rotary Club celebrated its 89th birthday by inviting former members to a pot luck supper at our regular meeting place, the Elks Lodge in Old Town, on Thursday evening, Nov. 10.
Former members included Jen Fogel, Jon Gaudet (with Kelley), Amos Orcutt (with Lola), David and Sherrie Wight, and Don Poisson. Gina Butler, widow of Rotarian Mike Butler, also attended.
Several current and former club members spoke about what Rotary International and the Old Town club meant to them. They included Stan Peterson (who served as emcee for the evening), Joe Cyr, Don Poisson, Jon Gaudet, and Dave Wollstadt. (My apologies if I've missed anyone--DW).
It was a very pleasant evening--and a very good practice run for our 90th birthday celebration next year!.
Don Poisson

Don Sturgeon Joe Cyr
Coming Up . . . Larry Wade on 'Logistics'
This Thursday (Nov. 17), our speaker will be Larry Wade, who will give a presentation on "Logistics." I'm told that Larry's talk is likely to be longer than usual . . . but that it will be absolutely facinating! See you there. --Dave