Every week since about February, you start hearing your president harping about District Conference.  So what is it all about, anyway?
 Here's the purpose as written directly out of the District Conference Manual of RI:
"The purpose of the district conference is to provide opportunities for networking, inspira-tional addresses, and discussions of Rotary-related matters. The event should recognize the service programs, projects, and public relations achievements in the district in order to inspire Rotarians to become more involved in service. The conference should also give Rotarians and clubs a vision of Rotary beyond the club level and provide a memorable fellowship experience. Many Rotarians have said that they were never truly enthusiastic about Rotary until they saw an inspirational presentation at a district conference."
District Conference happens every year in every Rotary District.  They typically occur in the spring or fall.  For our District 7790, it is every spring and the conference location varies and alternates countries depending on the home country of the current governor. 
The purpose of the conference is simple: to share ideas, celebrate our accomplishments, and find out what has been happening in the district and the world.  We learn about projects that our neighboring clubs have been working on, the communities that benefit, and the people that are involved.  We hear inspiring stories from Rotary Youth Exchange students and their observations about our countries.  There are displays of club projects, international projects and events, and people visiting from around the world.  And did I mention the parties? 
In our district, Friday night is usually a casual themed party with entertainment.  Every Saturday is the District Governor's Gala featuring fabulous key-note speakers from around the world.  During the day on Friday and Saturday, there are sessions which include some district business and some presentations on Rotary related topics, projects, fundraisers and club and individual awards.  The topics vary every year depending on the District Governor's wishes.  Every DG finds out that there is never enough time in the weekend to tell everyone everything that they have been impressed with during their year traveling the district and visiting clubs!
Each conference has a special representative of the RI President.  The RI Rep speaks during a few of the sessions and is usually very inspiring.  They always have good information to pass to clubs from RI.  Additionally, there are often folks in attendance from The Rotary Foundation or from the various administrative offices.  It is a great opportunity to have questions answered and to learn information to make your club stronger.
So who can go?  Any Rotarian!  Families are welcomed and sometimes there is some arrangement for child care during the conference.  Registration cost includes all events and meals.  The earlier you pay, the cheaper the price.  You pay for your room separately.  Optional charges may be added if you choose some of the free-time activities that are always offered, usually Saturday afternoon.  These can be city tours, zip-lining, bird watching, hiking, and beer or wine tasting just to name a few.  Heck, I even went to a foie gras farm!
Our club is fortunate to have a few dedicated partiers–um, I mean Rotarians–that love attending District Conferences.  They network and learn more every year that helps make our club better.  The district is there for support, and our club always takes advantage of the support offered.  So join us!  You won't regret it.