Our Old Town Rotary Charity Auction is this week!  Everyone is needed on Thursday for the various tasks that will make the evening a success.  This auction is vital to our Rotarian efforts.  What we do Thursday will dictate how much good we are able to do for the next Rotary year.  Make sure you get your meal ticket stubs to Linda ASAP if you haven't already done so; she needs to give K of C a head count. If your auction item/s require a certificate and you need help with that, let Linda, Robin, Corina, or Dave Wollstadt know asap.  Get your friends and neighbors to come for an evening of fun and fellowship, a nice meal, and a chance to bid on a lot of great items on the auction block.  See everyone Thursday......Lets Do It Rotarians!!
-Next week (May 14th) we have an offsite meeting:  ROAD TRIP!!!  We will be meeting a Uno Pizzaria and Grill.  A head count will be required so make sure you check early with family and friends and be ready to let Pres.Corina know how many are coming.  
-Remember to let President Corina know if you are not coming or if you are bringing guests to the meeting each week.
That's all folks......tune in to the next bulletin for more scintillating news from President Corina!!!