This past week we had a great program with an update from Bill Miller and Mike Noyes from one of OTR's long standing favorite organizations to support....Camp CaPella! 
 Camp CaPella is a lakefront summer camp at Phillips Lake that provides diverse recreational and educational opportunities for children and adults with disabilities. It is for all campers regardless of ability, to be afforded an opportunity to enjoy a summer program with learning experiences, recreational activities, and fun. It is also a retreat offered to administration, staff, and clients of other agencies and programs in the community that serve the needs of children and adults with disabilities. Camp CaPella offers year round recreational and educational opportunities.
The camp had an amazing year with 179 campers and they have expansion plans that will accommodate 10 additional campers a week in the future! Check out their website at to see the unique experiences this camp provides for these kids!...Better yet, as Bill and Mike will both tell you, come on over and experience it for yourself!